Wednesday 29 August 2012

Article on Flash Flood

Flood are a natural calamity that cause a lot of damage to mankind and other living beings. They occur due to heavy rainfall. As a result, water levels rise and flow into low-lying area, usually a village or a city situated below. 

A flash flood is the fastest type of flood. It can occur due to failure of a dam, levee, thunderstorm, affecting a localized area within seconds. It has devastating power to change the direction of rivers and can bring a large area under mud immediately.

Facts: Surveys reveal that more than 70,000 Americans become shelterless due to flash floods and more than 120 individuals are killed in a year. Unlike common floods, a flash flood repeatedly occurs within a short time span and can create havoc during the rainy season. Within seconds, water levels rise and create chaos by wiping out people as well as their property. There are different types of flash flood, such as intense rainfall flood, glacial lake outburst flood, landslide dam outburst flood, etc. In the United States, flash floods occur during winter due to fast melting of ice. 

Personal Reactions: Flooding. Something we are all becoming unfamiliar with. Obviously, in a dangerous flash flood situation, there are some things you might know that are likely to help, such as how to swim, for example. And there are some things that you should always do, like keep your wits about you. But mainly, as with most disasters, your best hope is that you happen not to be in the wrong place and at the wrong time.

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